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Our Lady's Apparition to Marija - 6/20/2024
Maria’s opening words: Thank God and Gospa, today is the fifth day of our novena! Welcome in the name of Gospa. In the name of all us here in Gospa’s place, on Gospa’s land. I would ask you not to take photos, turn off your phones and take your rosaries in your hands so we can pray. Because Gospa asked us to pray for peace. May this novena be filled with prayer, fasting, offerings and with little flowers that we will present to Gospa for peace. Let this prayer be joy to you all and love towards Gospa. Tonight in a special way, may the encounter with Gospa be even nicer than the one last night. We Thank God for Gospa’s presence, for her pure love. Message June 20th, 2024 /n Tonight, at the time of the apparition, when Gospa came she looked at us all. I recommended to Gospa all of us, all of our intentions, everything we have in our hearts. In a special way all those who are sick in spirit and body. I begged Gospa to intercede in front of her son Jesus, for peace in the World. Gospa extended her hands and prayed for a long time over us in her motherly language. She blessed us all and said “same time, same place tomorrow” and She went into heaven.