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Our Lady's Apparition to Ivan - 9/21/2024
September 21, 2024 prayer with Ivan Before beginning our prayer together Ivan said: Praised be Jesus and Mary dear priests and dear friends – to all of you greetings who are connected to us through the internet. We’re beginning our program now and we shall pray together with our Mother the queen of Peace. We pray for her intentions, her plans of peace that she wants to realize with all of us. In a special way in these recent times we pray for peace, for peace in our own hearts and for peace in the world. We pray with joy! In the name of the Father and of the son an of the Holy Spirit.... We all prayed several rosaries together and then after Our Lady’s apparition Ivan shared: Dear priests, dear friends in Christ, and dear all of you who are connected with us through internet today: I would like to use this brief time to describe to you and bring closer to you the content of the meeting with Our Lady tonight. It is very hard with the words of this world to describe to you what happens.... I will use the words I have. I will tell you with my own words, and try to tell you. Today Our Lady came to us very joyful and very happy. She greeted us with her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus dear children of mine!” She turned her gaze to all of us and prayed over all of us for a certain time. And then she prayed specifically over priests, over you priests who are here and over all of you who are ill who are here. After that Our Lady spent some time to pray in a special way for peace. After that she gave us all her motherly blessing and she blessed all the objects you brought to be blessed. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, all your petitions that you brought here and all of you who are connected with us in prayer. After that Our lady continued to pray over all of us. And in a special way she prayed for vocations in the church. In that prayer Our Lady left us with the sign of the light and of the cross with the words “Go in peace dear children of mine!” That would have been the most essential in my own words. It is hard to say everything in my own words, especially her love and her joy in these days. And as you saw, and heard yourself, Our Lady prayed in a special way for peace. And this is what she’s asking us all the time, especially all of us who are praying together for her intentions, is to pray for peace. How much we really need this. And to all of you who are connected to us through internet, we meet again next Saturday at the same time... [September 28, 2024, at the same time, 4:40pm Medjugorje time, 10:40AM Medjugorje time] And again, we continue to pray together for peace and for her intentions and plans. The priests who are here, could you please come and bless the objects and all of us...