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Our Lady's Apparition to Ivan - 9/28/2024
September 28, 2024, prayer with Ivan. He began by welcoming us all: Praised be Jesus and Mary! Dear priests dear, dear friends and all of you who are connected with us through Internet. Today in a community of prayer we pray together with our Mother the Queen of Peace. Together with her we pray for peace. We pray for her plans, for her intentions, for her plans she wants to fulfill with all of us throughout the world. And then after our prayer together and Our Lady’s apparition, Ivan said: Dear priests, dear friends in Christ, and greetings to you all who are connected with us live through Internet: I shall not be long now because Mass is just before us and Our Lady always says that Mass needs to be at the very center of our lives. Therefore, I wish to shortly, briefly, bring closer to you and describe to you what happened tonight at the encounter with Our Lady. It is hard to describe everything, and I always want to say it is so hard to find the words to describe the beauty of the encounter with Our Lady. And what is for me the most difficult thing to describe is, like I always say, is the love, the nature of the love of our Mother, how much the Mother loves us, and loves us and wants to guide us in that love. And as we always call her as the best mother, the best teacher and the best educator Today she came to us joyful and happy and greeted us all with her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus my dear children!” And then she turned her eyes towards us and in joy she prayed over us with extended hands And especially she spent time praying over you priests who are here and over all of you who are sick who are here. And then Our Lady turned her gaze towards everybody around the church and prayed over those who are in the evening program of prayer around the church. And then for a longer time in a special way she spent praying for peace in the world And then she gave us all her motherly blessing and blessed all the religious articles you brought along for the blessing After that I recommended all of you to her, your intentions, your needs, your families. And especially I recommended to her all your intentions that are here in written form. And then again, Our Lady spent time praying over all of us, and in that prayer she left in the sign of the light and of the cross with the words, “Go in peace, my dear children!” I would like to just say, underline, that Our Lady spent a long time praying for peace. And you know that Our Lady gave us a message for all of us a few days ago. And this is the message she’s calling us to today, again: “Dear children, Out of love towards you, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (September 25, 2024) For all of you dear friends who are connected with us live through Internet, we have our next encounter next Saturday at the same time [October 5th at 4:40 pm Medjugorje time, 10:40 am Eastern Time in the US]. So let continue to pray united, praying with perseverance, praying with the Mother, and we pray for her intentions, her plans, especially her plans of peace. So often Our Lady said, “Dear children, may your prayer be joyful.” Pray with joy. In one message Our Lady said, “I need you!”